Reichardia ligulata

Reichardia ligulata
20 (40)cm, a perennial with short woody stems crowned by a dense rosette of bluish-green, strongly serrated leaves and an upright to slightly nodding inflorescence with bright yellow flowers. Native of rocky cliffs in the vicinity of the sea on the Canary islands. Easily grown in containers in any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep plants drier in winter in full sun and at a minimum of some 10°C. X-I.

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seed package (ex Gran Canaria, Spain) - 6033
(ex Gran Canaria, Spain)
seed package (ex Gran Canaria, Spain) - 6033
(ex Gran Canaria, Spain)
seed package (ex La Palma, Spain) - 0148
(ex La Palma, Spain)
seed package (ex La Palma, Spain) - 0148
(ex La Palma, Spain)