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Aristolochia macroura

2 (5)m, a rarely cultivated, twining evergreen perennial species from southern Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. It makes glossy, trilobed leaves and showy brown flowers with a very long tip, and a very special (though not too strong) "perfume" as most Aristolochia species have. Due to its trilobed leaves, Aristolochia macroura is often mislabeled as Aristolochia trilobata, which is a distinct species. Easily grown in any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. Ideal for a heated greenhouse or a warm wintergarden. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C. V-IX.
10 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package0203 € 4,99

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