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List by Plants' Species A - Z

Here you will find all species listed in alphabetical order. Please refer to the regular category concerning quantity of seeds per package and detailed sowing and cultivation recommendations for each plant species
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Moraea serpentina

Moraea serpentina

5 (15)cm, one of the smallest Moraea with rather large tricolored flowers in white, blue and yellow above a twisting leaf. For any well drained, preferably inorganic soil in full sun. Best grown under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden. VII-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1425 € 4,99
Moraea simulans

Moraea simulans

10 (15)cm, a dwarf species with narrow yellowish-green leaves and upright stalks with small sky-blue flowers with darker blue spots. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a protected, sunny spot. In colder climates give some protective dry mulch layer in winter. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4604 € 4,99
Moraea spathulata

Moraea spathulata

50 (90)cm, under frostfree conditions this species is evergreen and shows a very long flower period with plenty of yellow lowers. For any well drained soil in full sun. Give some winter protection (mulch layer) or grow as pot plant under frostfree conditions in a greenhouse or wintergarden. USDA Climate Zone 7. VII-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1426 € 4,99
Moraea tripetala

Moraea tripetala

10 (50)cm, very variable in height with pale to dark bluish-purple flowers, lower petals with a white or yellow base. V-VII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 0072 € 4,99
Moraea vegeta

Moraea vegeta

20 (40)cm, yellowish brown to blue shaded flowers. Provide a good winter protection (thick mulch layer), better in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden. USDA Climate Zone 9. V-VII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1429 € 4,99
Morus alba (White Mulberry)

Morus alba (White Mulberry)

4 (15)m, White Mulberry or Chinese Mulberry is widely grown in S Europe, India and China as food plant for silkworms. It is a deciduous small, round-topped tree with lobed to entire, light green, strongly serrated cordate leaves. The small greenish yellow flowers are inconspicuous, but the white, raspberry-like fruits are deliciously sweet and are usually eaten fresh and raw. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded, protected spot. III-V.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3877 € 2,99
Morus nigra (Black Mulberry)

Morus nigra (Black Mulberry)

4 (15)m, Black Mulberry or Persian Mulberry is a very long-lived, deciduous small, round-topped tree from W Asia (Persia) and has lobed to entire, light green, strongly serrated cordate leaves. The small greenish yellow flowers are inconspicuous, but the dark red to black, raspberry-like fruits are deliciously sweet and are usually eaten fresh and raw. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded, protected spot. III-V.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3876 € 3,99
Morus rubra (Red Mulberry)

Morus rubra (Red Mulberry)

20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package6878 € 3,99
Musa ornata (Ornamental Pink Banana)

Musa ornata (Ornamental Pink Banana)

200 (350)cm, Ornamental Pink Banana is a most decorative species with bright pink (or rarely orange) bracts in its uprigh hold inflorescence and very long, narrow leaves, which may gain up to 200cm in length. The fruits turn greenish yellow when ripe and contain several black seeds. For any humus rich, very well drained soil in a partially shaded (summer) to sunny (winter) spot. Keep plants drier in winter at a minimum of some 15°C. VI-VII.
7 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package (purple flower)8918 € 2,99
(purple flower)
Muscari armeniacum

Muscari armeniacum

20cm, from Greece, Turkey to Caucasus growing in grassy hillsides. Blue flowers with a purple tinge. For rich soil in a sunny place. Very easy and will naturalize. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1430 € 3,99
seed package
Muscari aucheri

Muscari aucheri

20cm, from north-eastern Turkey to Iran, growing in rocky places intense blue flowers, up to 3 stalks per bulb. For any sunny spot. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1431 € 4,99
Muscari azureum

Muscari azureum

10 (15)cm, dwarf Muscari from Caucasus growing in damp mountain meadows. Unique flowers in sky blue, completely opening mouth. Very elegant and hard to find Muscari for a sunny spot. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1432 € 3,99*
seed package
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Muscari botryoides

Muscari botryoides

20 (25)cm, native of most Europe. Stems longer than leaves, up to 4 racemes per bulb with deep blue flowers. Naturalizes readily in any good soil. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1433 € 3,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Muscari comosum

Muscari comosum

25 (40)cm, large Muscari native to most of Southern Europe to Turkey and Iraq, up to 2.200m in dry meadows. Pure violet flowers, crowned by pink sterile blooms. Very showy and easy. IV-VII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package (ex Cyprus)1435 € 2,99
(ex Cyprus)
Muscari latifolium

Muscari latifolium

20 (25)cm, from NW Turkey occurring in open pine forest at 1.000m. Every bulb produces a single broad leaf, which encircles the stem at the base. Lower flowers dark blue, upper, sterile flowers in sky blue. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1438 € 2,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Muscari leucostomum

Muscari leucostomum

12 (15)cm, highly attractive, very dark blue, almost black flower heads, each flower with a white edge. Native of rocky hillsides in central Asia. For any well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1439 € 4,99
seed package
Muscari muscarimi (Musk Grapehyacinth)

Muscari muscarimi (Musk Grapehyacinth)

12 (20)cm, Musk Grapehyacinth is a rather rarely seen species with pale brownish-white lower and few sky-blue upper flowers on a 15 cm tall stem. Flowers have a delicious, strong sweet musk scent. Makes few broad, dark bluish-green leaves. Native of sunny spots in dryish hillsides in southern Turkey. For any well drained soil in full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. Seed is always very scarce. IV.
10 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1441 € 4,99
Muscari pallens

Muscari pallens

10 (15)cm, rarely seen dwarf Muscari with usually ice blue flowers in a dense cluster on a short stem. For any well drained and sunny spot. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1443 € 3,99
Muscari tubergenianum

Muscari tubergenianum

20cm, from N Iran, close to Muscari aucheri, but with pure attractive sky blue flowers and broad leaves. For any sunny spot, increases slowly. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1449 € 3,99
Musschia aurea Exclusive

Musschia aurea Exclusive

30 (60)cm, a rare plant growing in vertical cliffs facing the sea at lower altitudes, known from only few sites on Madeira (Portugal). It is a semi-caudex plant and makes massive, woody, brownish-gray trunks and rosettes of long, glossy, fresh green, serrated leaves from which emerges the tall, lax inflorescence of large, upwards facing yellow flowers. Musschia aurea is virtually unknown in general cultivation. We have grown several mother plants from seeds given to us from a botanical garden and this is the first time it is offered to the broader public. In contrast to the second species it requires a rocky, very-well drained soil in an always sunny spot, winter minimum 10°C. Easily grown from seeds and quite long-lived under good growing condtions. VII-IX.
40 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1105 € 7,99*
seed package
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Myosotis alpestris (Alpine Forget-Me-Not)

Myosotis alpestris (Alpine Forget-Me-Not)

10 (15)cm, Alpine Forget-Me-Not is an annual to biannual dwarf species with numerous sky blue to bright pink flowers on an upright hold, branching raceme in spring. It is native of humus rich soils in slightly moist spots throughout mountains from Central Europe to eastern Asia as well as North America. IV-V.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4238 € 4,99
Myrtus communis (Myrtle)

Myrtus communis (Myrtle)

150 (300)cm, Myrtle is a showy, woody Mediterranean shrub with leathery, uniquely fragrant, dark green, glossy, oval leaves and terminal clusters of white to rose flowers. The decorative, blueberry like fruits are edible and have a pleasantly aromatic, yet bitter taste and might be used in small amounts in fruit salads. An easily grown container plant for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants cooler with reduced watering at a minimum of some 5°C. In warmer regions (e. g. the Rhine valley or coastal areas) it may be grown outside in a sheltered spot in the garden with some winter protection. VII-IX.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package4942 € 2,99
seed package
seed package (ex Cyprus)6649 € 3,99*
seed package (ex Cyprus)
(ex Cyprus)
seed package (ex Sardinia, Italy)5251 € 3,99*
seed package (ex Sardinia, Italy)
(ex Sardinia)
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Nandina domestica (Heavenly Bamboo)

Nandina domestica (Heavenly Bamboo)

120 (180)cm, Heavenly Bamboo is in a botanically sense not a bamboo, but a small, woody, deciduous multi-trunked shrub from East Asia with most ornamental, tropical looking, large feathered leaves turning to bright red in late autumn and winter. Small creamy yellow flowers followed by showy and very long lasting scarlet berries in dense clusters in late fall and winter. For any humus rich, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. IV-VI.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package (1,000 seeds)8585 € 19,90
seed package (1,000 seeds)
seed package (20 seeds)4313 € 0,99*
seed package (20 seeds)
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Narcissus poeticus (Poet's Narcissus)

Narcissus poeticus (Poet's Narcissus)

30cm, Poet's Narcissus makes strongly fragrant, pure white flowers with a short yellow trumpet with dark orange margins inside. Native of montane meadows in France and Eastern Spain. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4818 € 4,99
Narcissus pseudonarcissus

Narcissus pseudonarcissus

30 (40)cm, native to Central Europe, growing in grassland, very variable in size and color. The form offered has perfectly sulfur yellow petals outside and a pale yellow heart hold on 30cm stems (form of the Vogese, France). Very easy and good for naturalizing in grass. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 1456 € 2,99