Here you will find all species listed in alphabetical order. Please refer to the regular category concerning quantity of seeds per package and detailed sowing and cultivation recommendations for each plant species => click on "More Details »" => on the new product detail page click on the category on the bottom left side "Try these categories" |
Allium rosenbachianum (rose form)130 (160)cm, stout flower stalks with large, light pink flower umbels. The basal broad leaves have withered by flowering time. For any well drained soil in full sun. A very ornamental species, not only for its enormous height. IV-V. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1151 | € 3,99 |
Allium schoenoprasum (Chives)20 (30)cm, Chives is native of most of Europe and occurs in damp meadows in the mountains, forming dense clumps. Many linear-round leaves and dense umbels in lilac to pink. Very easy species. The leaves have a nice taste and widely used in salads. The edible lilac flowers may be added as well for decoration. IV-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1154 | € 0,99 |
Allium schubertii30 (40)cm, similar to Allium christophii but with flowers on very long stalks with unusual star-like appearance. Any sunny spot in a well drained soil. Plant bulbs rather deep to prevent frost damages. Seeds from a hardier selection. Species much sought after and still very rare. V-VI. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1155 | € 4,99 |
Allium senescens ssp. montanum20cm, subalpine dwarf Allium from hay meadows in the Alps at up to 2.000m. Numerous umbels of rose flowers on 20cm stalks. For moist places in any soil in full sun. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1158 | € 4,99 |
Allium simillimum (Simil Onion)5 (10)cm, Simil Onion is a dwarf species with ice white flowers above narrow leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot with protection from winter wetness. Excellent in the rock garden. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Blaine County, Idaho, USA at some 2650m. V. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 5272 | € 7,99 |
Allium spec. 001 "Lebanon - Ma'asser ech Chouf"100 (130)cm, quite tall, unidentified wild species found below Ma'asser ech Chouf (Lebanon) at some 1500m. Has dense global heads (some 4 to 6 cm in diameter) on an unleafed flower stalk above a basal rosette. From sunny spots in open scrub in stony hillsides. For a well drained, rather rocky soil in full sun. A winter dormant species. VII-VIII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1161 | € 3,99 |
Allium sphaerocephalum50 (80)cm, from Central Europe extending to the Caucasus and Israel. Long linear, gray green leaves and dense lilac flowers on erect stalk up to 80cm in height. Showy and easy for dry soils. VI-VIII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1163 | € 4,99 |
Allium stellatum (Prairie Onion)50cm, Prairie Onion is native to prairies in the USA. Makes nice, dense umbels of upright, dark pink flowers. Easy if bulbs are planted fairly deep. For a sunny spot in any rich, well drained soil. V-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1165 | € 3,99* |
Allium suaveolens (Fragrant Leek)30cm, Fragrant Leek makes many small, white, honey scented flowers with a rose tinge on upright stalks. For a sunny spot in any wich, well drained soil. A very robust and easily cultivated species. V-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1168 | € 4,99 |
Allium subhirsutum20 (30)cm, delicate stems with a lax umbels of pure white flowers above basal, rather broad leaves. Native of the Mediterranean (from Crete to Portugal and N Africa), growing in partially shaded to sunny spots in humus rich, well drained soils in rock crevices. III-IV. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package3311 | € 3,99 | |||
seed package (ex Sicily, Italy)7132 | € 2,99* | |||
Allium subvillosum20 (30)cm, makes upright stems with showy pure white flowers. This species is similar to Allium subhirsutum, yet it has longer anthers with yellow pollen. Native of the Mediterranean (from Crete to Portugal and N Africa), growing in partially shaded to sunny spots. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-VI. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 4516 | € 4,99 |
Allium textile (Textile Onion)20 (30)cm, Textile Onion or Prairie Onion makes several grass-like, dark green leaves from a purplish base and an upright flower stem crowned by a dense umbel of white flowers. Native of dry prairies and open sunny spots in woods in North America (Saskatchewan to South Dakota, Montana, New Mexico and Arizona). Easily grown in a rich, well drained soil in full sun. V-VI. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 0002 | € 4,99 |
Allium trifoliatum (Rose Onion)30cm, Rose Onion is a Mediterranean, very diverse species with pale rose to almost white petals with a darker rose middle stripe and channeled, slightly hairy leaves. This species is sometimes confused with Alium roseum, which is a distinct species with much different leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in sunny and protected spot. V-VI. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package8362 | € 3,99 |
Allium triquetrum (Threecorner Leek)20cm, Threecorner Leek is native of humus rich, slightly moist soils from the Mediterranean region to Uzbekistan. It makes nodding umbels of pure white, flattened flowers with a fine green middle line, triangular stems and glossy, broad leaves. For any rich, slightly moist, well drained soil in preferably partial shade. III-IV. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package2443 | € 4,99 |
Allium tschimganicum70 (100)cm, makes large and dense umbels of rich pinkish-violet flowers. From a collection made on stony hillsides on Mount Chimgan in Uzbekistan. For any well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1173 | € 4,99 |
Allium tuberosum (Chinese Chives)30 (40)cm, Chinese Chives is widely cultivated in East Asia. Makes numerous flowering stalks with many white flowers and contrasting black stamens very late in summer to fall. The leaves have a nice garlic taste and are used in salads and soups. The edible white flowers can be used in the cookery as well. VII-IX. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package1174 | € 2,99 |
Allium turkestanicum30 (50)cm, almost unknown Allium from W Asia growing in open rocky and dry places. Showy lilac rose flowers on quite long pedicles arranged in lax umbels. Belongs to the Allium japonicum group. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1175 | € 3,99 |
Allium unifolium30 (50)cm, very showy smaller Allium with large flowers in dense umbels of pinkish shades. Native to N California and S Oregon, USA from moist, yet well drained soils in sunny spots. Bulbs reform each year at the side of last year's bulb. IIII-V. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1176 | € 4,99 |
Allium ursinum (Bear Garlic)30 (40)cm, Bear Garlic is native to damp open woods in most of Europe, forming large clumps with numerous broad and fresh green leaves and white, star-like flowers. Its leaves as well as flowers have a fine garlic taste and are used in salads and soups. Will readily naturalize in any humus rich, slightly moist soil in partial shade. IV-V. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package 1177 | € 2,99* | |||
Allium validum (Pacific Onion)30 (50)cm, Pacific Onion or Swamp Onion makes showy, long stalked, bright rose flowers umbels above rather broad leaves. Native of humus rich, slightly moist, mountaineous sites in the Pacific region of western USA. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Plumas County, Bear Creek Road, California at some 1.550m. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 5184 | € 4,99 |
Allium victorialis (Victory Onion)20 (30)cm, Victory Onion is a rarely cultivated rhizomatous Allium from hay-meadows in the Alps. It has tall and broad leaves with prominent veins and semi-nodding umbels of creamy to greenish blooms. For any partially shaded spot in any well drained soil. Increases well from seeds only. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1178 | € 4,99 |
Aloysia citriodora (Lemon Verbena)150 (200)cm, Lemon Verbena (syn. Aloysia triphylla, syn. Lippia citriodora) is a woody small shrub from Southern South America and has strongly lemon scented, long leaves and filigree terminal rose flower clusters in autumn. An excellent pot or container plant for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier and preferably frostfree at a minimum of some 5°C. VIII-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package8320 | € 3,99 | |||
Alpinia purpurata (Red Ginger)100 (150)cm, Red Ginger is a medium tall Asian species with upright stalks covered with dark green, glossy leaves and crowned by deep red flower heads in this form and nicely contrasting white fruits. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained substrate at a minimum of some 15°C in winter with reduced watering. V-X. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package8249 | € 1,99 |
Alstroemeria angustifolia (Flor de Gallo)70cm Flor del Gallo is a showy bulbous perennial with pale rose flowers with yellowish markings on the upper petals. Native of dryish rocky spots in montane shrub lands in Chile. May be tried in the garden in any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot with shelter from winter wetness and an insulating protection from freezing through (e.g. a thick dry mulch layer). Better for a frostfree cultivation in a cool greenhouse or unheated wintergarden at a minimum of some 10°C with watering reduced to a minimum. Seeds from a wild collection in the Metropolitana region, Caleu at some 1000m. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 5019 | € 4,99 |
Alstroemeria ligtu ssp. ligtu (Chilean Inca Lily)90cm, Chilean Inca Lily is a herbaceous perennial with upright stem and bright rose flowers in a terminal umbel. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot. Protect from winter wetness and give some extra winter protection (e.g. dry mulch layer). Alternatively grow in pots, in winter keep dormant bulbs completely dry and frostfree at some 5°C. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 4000 | € 4,99 |