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Vaccinium (Cranberrry, Blueberry and Alpine Craneberry)

Cranberrries, Blueberries, and Alpine Cranberry are winter hardy, evergreen, woody, dwarf to medium sized shrubs within the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae). They are native of more or less chalkfree, humus rich soils. In cultivation they require am always slighly moist, partially shaded spot in any aciduous soil on peat basis. They develop edible, red fruits in Cranberries and Alpine Cranberries, which are cooked with sugar, or bluish-black fruits in Blueberries, which can be eaten raw as well.
Cranberries are dwarf shrubs from moist areas in North America. In cultivation they should preferably grown in a through without holes. The soil should be always kept wet.
Alpine Cranberries are small shrubs from heathlands and prefer an always slightly moist sandy soil on peat basis.
Blueberries grow to medium to tall shrubs and are native of in humus rich soils of deciduous woods.
Sow small seeds flat on any sandy soil on peat basis from late summer to spring. Keep soil always slightly moist and pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. After germination move seedlings to partial shade.
All are USDA Climate Zone 6
20 seeds per package.
Vaccinium macrocarpon (Cranberry)

Vaccinium macrocarpon (Cranberry)

10 (20)cm, Cranberry is a dwarf woody, evergreen, spreading ground cover with small oval, leathery leaves and terminal clusters of small white flowers followed by quite large, ornamental red fruits which are cooked with sugar to make a delicious preserve. It is native of wet moorlands in North America and should be grown in wet peat soil in troughs without holes. V-VI.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 5263 € 4,99