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Crinum (Spidy Lily)

Crinum, Spider Lilies or Swamplilies are a large genus of evergreen to seasonally dormant bulbous plants from moistly wet areas and marshes in subtropical and tropical areas. Many species are being grown as ornamental plants for their lush foliage and showy flower umbels with usually fragrant star-like flowers in white, pale yellow or pale rose to pink. Crinum species are easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil with sufficient moisture supplied during the growing season. In winter several species will go fully dormant or semi-dormant with reduced growth, then keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C with careful watering.
Sow the rather large seeds half their size in any rich, well drained, almost slightly moist soil at some 20°C to 35°C throughout the year. Germination will occur within some 2 to 6 months. Many Crinum seeds have a natural dormancy for several months, meanwhile they are capable of photosynthesis. Thus their round side shall be kept slightly above soil level. We will mark the round side of seeds with the letters "up" so that you will know how to plant them in the correct direction. If seeds are sowed upside down they will still germinate, however germination may take longer.
1 (one) large seed per package.
Crinum mauritianum (Mauritius Spidy Lily)

Crinum mauritianum (Mauritius Spidy Lily)

50 (80)cm, Mauritius Spidy Lily is a mid sized Crinum species from the island of Mauritius where it was thought to be extinct until in 1973 a small population was rediscovered in the vicinity of the Midlands Dam in central Mauritius. It is an evergreen bulbous plants with upwards facing, channeld, mid green and slightly succulent leaves and umbels of showy white to rarely pale rose, fragrant flowers. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year and at a winter minimum of some 15°C. Despite its habitat, this species does not need marshy conditions to grow well and to flower freely as a pot plant. Crinum seeds are capable of photosynthesis, thus their round side shall be kept slightly above soil level. We will mark the round side of seeds with the letters "up" so that you will know how to plant them in the correct direction. VI-VIII.
1 (one) large seed per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package0385 € 17,90