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Leucocoryne (Andean Glory of the Sun Lily)

Andean Glory of the Sun Lily is a small genus of some 12 species of bulbous plants native of Chile (South America). They have most ornamental bicolored blue, purple or white and purple flowers on graceful stems above grass like leaves. All are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. During dormancy keep plants rather dry and in winter at a minimum of some 10°C with watering reduced to a minimum. Excellent in a frostfree greenhouse or wintergarden, for their small to medium tall size they can be grown in rather small pots on window sills as well.
Sow small seeds on top of any well drained substrate and cover them slightly with sand. Keep pots in full sun at some 20°C throughout the year and soil always slightly moist from beneath. A temperature drop at night down to some 10°C to 15°C will significantly enhance germination in several species.

20 graines par sachet.
Leucocoryne alliacea

Leucocoryne alliacea

30cm, small bulbous plant with nodding to upright hold white or pale rose flowers above narrow leaves. Native of dryish rocky spots in montane regions in Chile. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds from a wild collection in VII Region, El Melado at some 1500m. VI-VII.
20 graines par sachet.

prix (plus frais d'envoi)
sachet de graines 5014 € 4,99
sachet de graines
Leucocoryne coquimbensis (Andean Glory of the Sun Lily)

Leucocoryne coquimbensis (Andean Glory of the Sun Lily)

40cm, Andean Glory of the Sun Lily is a bulbous plant with showy pale purplish-blue and white throated or pure white flowers on upright stalks above narrow grass like leaves. Native of open spots in shrubs in Chile. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds from a wild collection in IV Region, Ruta 5 Norte, close to Caleta Arrayán at some 200m. VI-VII.
20 graines par sachet.

prix (plus frais d'envoi)
sachet de graines 5015 € 4,99*
sachet de graines
* Ce prix est seulement valable pour la commande d'une unité de l'article. Un rabais sera assigné automatiquement pour les quantité supérieures par le système shop. Si plusieurs unités sont commandées du cette espèce, elles seront fusionnées dans un seul sachet. SVP veuillez se référer à nos conditions générales d'affaires.
Leucocoryne ixioides

Leucocoryne ixioides

25cm, small bulbous plant with showy pale purplish-blue and white throated or pure white flowers on upright stalks above narrow grass like leaves. Native of dryish rocky spots in montane regions in Chile. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds from a wild collection in VI Region, Cuesta Chada (Angostura) at some 600m. VI-VII.
20 graines par sachet.

prix (plus frais d'envoi)
sachet de graines 5016 € 4,99*
* Ce prix est seulement valable pour la commande d'une unité de l'article. Un rabais sera assigné automatiquement pour les quantité supérieures par le système shop. Si plusieurs unités sont commandées du cette espèce, elles seront fusionnées dans un seul sachet. SVP veuillez se référer à nos conditions générales d'affaires.
Leucocoryne purpurea (dark flowered)

Leucocoryne purpurea (dark flowered)

20 graines par sachet.

prix (plus frais d'envoi)
sachet de graines6870 € 4,99
Leucocoryne purpurea (pale flowered)

Leucocoryne purpurea (pale flowered)

20 graines par sachet.

prix (plus frais d'envoi)
sachet de graines6869 € 4,99
Leucocoryne vittata (Andean Glory of the Sun Lily)

Leucocoryne vittata (Andean Glory of the Sun Lily)

30cm, Andean Glory of the Sun Lily is an utmost ornamental small bulbous plant with upright purplish flowers with white middle stripes above narrow leaves. Native of open spots in shrubs in Chile. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds from a wild collection in IV Region, Los Vilos at sea level. VI-VII.
20 graines par sachet.

prix (plus frais d'envoi)
sachet de graines 5040 € 4,99
sachet de graines