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Celastrus (Bittersweet)

Bittersweet are close relatives to the spindle berries (Euonymus spp.), however unlike their cousins they are climbing, woody shrubs. They are native of woods in North America and Eastern Asian, where they grow up shrubs and trees. All are very easy in cultivation, plants which become too large can be cut back into the wood. All have small, whitish-green to yellowish-green flowers in spring, and decorative, colorful orange fruits with seeds covered by bright scarlet flesh from autumn to early winter. Besides, their foliage turns bright yellow in autumn. A climbing aid is recommended.
Sow flat in any well drained, lightly sandy, humus rich soil in autumn to early spring, keep pots in a partially shaded place. Cultivate plants in pots for two years before transplanting to the open garden.
Note: All parts (especially the attractive fruits) are poisonous if eaten.
All are USDA Climate Zone 6.
20 seeds per package.
Celastrus hypoleucus (Pale Bittersweet)

Celastrus hypoleucus (Pale Bittersweet)

3 (7)m, Pale Bittersweet is a woody twining shrub native of forests in China (e.g. Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, and Yunnan province). It has broad, elliptical middle green leaves, small, pale greenish white flowers and showy orange fruit-capsules with blackish brown seeds covered with a bright red flesh from late summer to early winter. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. V-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3428 € 3,99