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Thalia (Hardy Water Canna)

Water Cannas are fully winter hardy aquatic perennials with showy, large, banana like leaves on long stalks, which will give a tropical touch to any garden in the northern hemisphere. The make tall, lax racemes with pendulous dark violet (Thalia dealbata) or pale violet-lavender (Thalia geniculata) flowers. From wetlands and swamps in southeastern USA. For any humus rich soil in shallow water in a sunny spot. Excellent for the border of a pond or in a water filled container. In very cold region cover water pots with some foliage to protect them from freezing through.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, always slightly wet soil in pots. Keep pots with seeds from Thalia dealbata outside in a protected spot for seeds require a prolonged cooling period prior to germination in late spring. Keep pots from Thalia geniculata in a sunny spot at some 20°C throughout the year. Carefully transplant young plants in autumn to their final spot.
All are USDA Climate Zone 7.
3 large seeds per package.
Thalia dealbata (Broad Leafed Hardy Water Canna)

Thalia dealbata (Broad Leafed Hardy Water Canna)

180 (220)cm, Broad Leafed Hardy Water Canna is a hardy aquatic perennial with most ornamental, tropical looking, tall and broad banana-like leaves and very tall racemes with lax clusters of dark violet flowers. This form has broader leaves on taller stalks and whitish powered flower racemes with losely branching flower clusters in comparison to the narrow-leafed form. It is native of wetlands and swamps in southeastern USA. For any humus rich soil in shallow water in a sunny spot. Excellent for the border of a pond. VI-IX.
3 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package4793 € 4,99
seed package
Thalia dealbata (Narrow Leafed Hardy Water Canna)

Thalia dealbata (Narrow Leafed Hardy Water Canna)

140 (170)cm, Narrow Leafed Hardy Water Canna is a hardy aquatic perennial with most ornamental, tropical looking, medium tall and rather narrow, banana-like leaves and medium tall and racemes with pendulous dark violet, dense flower clusters. This form has narrower leaves on medium tall stalks and denser flower clusters in comparison to the broad-leafed form. It is native of wetlands and swamps in southeastern USA. For any humus rich soil in shallow water in a sunny spot. Excellent for the border of a pond. VI-IX.
3 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package8637 € 4,99
seed package