Our Amorphophallus collection is the largest in Europe, worldwide it is number two on a private and institutional level (i.e. including botanical gardens). It covers more than 150 Amorphophallus species in more than 500 clones. That means we cultivate three different genetic clones per species on average, in more than 550 pots and a couple of species grown in raised beds. Titan Arums include several species with some of the largest flowers within the floral kingdom. They usually develop only a single, large leaf on a stout stem, which may resemble a tree-trunk in giant species. All make a long rhizomatous or a round corm (a "tuber"), weighing up to 60kg in their largest member, namely Amorphophallus titanum from Sumatra. The offered subtropical species remain a little bit more manageable for their overall smaller size. They will thrive in any humus rich, well drained substrate (with up to 70% peat or any other humus rich substrate added). As soon as they start to grow (usually in spring) they require sufficient warmth with a minimum of some 20°C and a semi-moist soil in a partially shaded spot. As soon as the leaf starts to yellow (which is usually in autumn), keep plants rather dry at a minimum of some 15°C. Store corms in a warmer spot with beginning of spring the following year and carefully restart to water as soon as the new leaf appears from the center of the corm. With maturity plants may form an inflorescence instead of a leaf. After flowering most specimens will usually form a new leaf in the same year. For their decorative foliage, unique growth habit and outstanding inflorescences all Amorphophallus species are perfect collector's items, however only some 10 species are more widely available. At present more than 230 different species are known and several new discoveries are made each year. Most species are rarely offered in the trade and thus high-priced botanical gems. For further detailed information on sowing and cultivation of Titan Arums (Origin, Habit and General Information - Cultivation - Propagation by Seeds - Popagation by Offsets & Leaf Bulbils - Propagation by Leaf Cuttings - Pests and Diseases), please have a look on this page: "The Genus Amorphophallus" (www.amorphophallus.info). 3 seeds, respectively 1 offset tuber per package. |
Amorphophallus amygdaloides100 (150)cm, a medium tall and variable species from southwestern Thailand. It has a fresh green, usually spotted petiole and a greenish-white spathe surrounding a white spadix, followed by pale blue berries. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. In winter keep dormant corms almost completely dry at a minimum of some 15°C. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package (3 seeds)0290 | € 9,99 |
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Amorphophallus barbatus (free reward for donation)50 (80)cm, Amorphophallus barbatus was discovered by late Alan Galloway and described in 2015. It is an extremely rare species which is known from a single location only in central Laos. So far less than a dozen plants have been observed in habitat on the occasion of three excursions over the past ten years. Tubers are from in-vitro propagated material from the original stock on which the description was based on. They have been grown in the soil for one, respectively two growing seasons. Sizes range from ca. 1 cm ø to ca. 3 cm ø (measured at their broadest point). The latter may need one more growing season to reach flowering size. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
Level 1: donation of € 120,00 / free reward one ca. 1 cm ø tuber0388 | € 120,00 |
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Level 2: donation of € 150,00 / free reward one ca. 2 cm ø tuber0389 | € 150,00 |
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Level 3: donation of € 175,00 / free reward one ca. 3 cm ø tuber0390 | € 175,00 |
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Amorphophallus bulbifer100 (150)cm, a medium tall species with a beautiful, showy orange-rose spathe of some 20cm in height and a nicely mottled leaf stalk. Its' leaflets are slightly undulated and have bright-pink margins in a sunny spot. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil. Store dormant corms from late autumn to end of spring in a dry and cool place during winter. This species forms axillary bulbils, which serve for propagation. Additionally, Amorphophallus bulbifer is one out of few species which may be apomictic, i.e. it may set viable seed without prior pollination. Our seeds are high quality seeds from plants cultivated under optimal conditions in Europe. What you will usually find on some some well-known selling platform are imported, low quality seeds stored under mostly inadequate conditions. VII-VIII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package3430 | € 2,99 |
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Amorphophallus claudelii (Claudel's Dwarf Amorphophallus)10 (15)cm, Claudel's Dwarf Amorphophallus is a showy miniature new species which was formally described in 2016. It belongs to a the group of the 5 smallest Amorphophallus species in the genus which are all known to occur in central Laos only: Amorphophallus claudelii, Amorphophallus myosuroides, Amorphophallus ongsakulii, Amorphophallus puchellus, and a new dwarf Amorphophallus species discovered in 2016. The latter will be published in 2019 and first material will be offered towards the end of 2019. Amorphophallus claudelii bears a tiny white spathe with a violet center inside and a long protruding green spadix and a dark green leaf with silvery-green center stripes. Tuber sized 1 cm are already flowering size! For any rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded spot. In winter keep dormant corms slightly moist to almost completely dry at a minimum of some 15°C. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
dormant tuber (0.5 cm)0194 | € 7,99 |
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Amorphophallus impressus80 (100)cm, a medium sized species from Africa (Tanzania to Malawi) with a broad dark maroon spathe, which is greenish outside and inflated towards the base and a long protruding maroon spadix. This species makes each growing season several stoloniferous offsets from the main tuber. In winter keep dormant corms almost completely dry at a minimum of some 15°C. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package0337 | € 7,99 |
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Amorphophallus konjac (Konjac Titan Arum)150 (200)cm, Konjac Titan Arum is probably the easiest and one of the showiest species in its genus. It has an impressive dark purple red spathe of up to 100cm in height with a purplish-maroon spadix inside. Easily grown in a sunny or partially shaded spot in any rich, well drained soil. During summer this robust species may be even grown in the open ground in the garden just like Dahlia. In Asia Amorphophallus konjac is indeed grown as a field crop for making several dishes (e.g. Konyaku noodles). During dormancy in winter keep tubers dry at a minimum of some 15°C. USDA climate zone 9/10. IV-VI. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package3238 | € 2,99 |
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Amorphophallus malkmus-husseinii (Malkmus-Hussein's Dwarf Amorphophallus)10 (15)cm, Malkmus-Hussein's Dwarf Amorphophallus is the latest discovered and in 2019 described miniature Amorphophallus species from central Laos, where it is known from the type locality only. It appears almost to be a perfect hybrid between Amorphophallus ongsakulii for its white to pale rosy-beige spathe and a pale brownish beige spadix, Amorphophallus myosuroides for the entire, usually five leaflets and Amorphophallus pulchellus for producing rhizomatous offsets. In winter keep dormant corms almost dry at a minimum of some 20°C. 1.0 cm long tubers are already flowering size! The photo showing small immature plants was taken at the locality site in habitat in central Laos. This species is worldwide exclusively available at Rareplants.eu only! IV-VI. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
rhizomatous offset (2.0 cm)0351 | € 39,00 |
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Amorphophallus myosuroides (Mouse-tail Amorphophallus)15 (20)cm, Mouse-tail Amorphophallus is a miniature species which was more recently discovered in Laos in 2005. It makes a white inflorescence with a light green tinge after the leaves. 1.5 cm long tubers are flowering size! Available are two forms, one with solid green leaves and one with a silver-white central stripe on older, adult plants. In winter keep dormant corms slightly moist to dry at a minimum of some 20°C. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||||
dormant corm (0.5 cm) (silver-centered leaves)8529 | € 4,99 |
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dormant corm (0.5 cm) (solid green leaves)8206 | € 2,99 |
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Amorphophallus napalensis100 (130)cm, has a yellowish-green spathe and spadix and a nicely dark green mottled pale green stem. Native from North India to Nepal and Bhutan from rich, well drained soils. Sometimes this species is wrongly labelled Amorphophallus nepalensis, however the correct name is Amorphophallus napalensis. In winter keep dormant corms almost completely dry at a minimum of some 15°C. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package0341 | € 7,99 |
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Amorphophallus ongsakulii (Ongsakul's Dwarf Amorphophallus)10 (15)cm, Ongsakul's Dwarf Amorphophallus is a miniature species from central Laos, where it is known from two locations only. One of them - the type locality from where the species had been described - has become exctint in 2018 due to more competitive plants. Amorphophallus ongsakulii makes a pale rosy-beige spathe and a pale rose to lilac spadix hold above tiny, fern-like leaflets. In winter keep dormant corms slightly moist at a minimum of some 20°C. 1.0 cm long tubers are already flowering size! The photo of the leaf was taken at the original site in habitat. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
dormant corm (0.5 cm)8209 | € 4,99 |
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Amorphophallus variabilis100 (160)cm, as its name suggests, Amorphophallus variabilis is a very variable species concerning height and color of the inflorescence. It has a short and narrow white to pale yellow or creamy-brown spatha and a protruding white to pale beige spadix. Amorphophallus variabilis is native of Java (Indonesia) where it grows in humus rich, well drained soils. In winter keep dormant corms almost completely dry at a minimum of some 15°C. This is one parent of the spectacular cultivar Amorphophallus 'John Tan', a cultivar of hybrid origin between Amorphophallus variabilis X Amorphophallus titanum. V-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package0336 | € 7,99 |
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Amorphophallus villosus (Fox-brown Hairy Titan Arum)130 (180)cm, Fox-brown Hairy Titan Arum is an only 2019 newly described and very unusual species from south-eastern Vietnam. It bears a broad, dark green leaf above a rosy to rust-brown mottled petiole and a very showy and tall fox-brown spadix, entirely covered with hair-like filaments, and a short and broad fox brown spathe. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. During dormancy in winter keep corms almost completely dry at a minimum of some 15°C. Amorphophallus villosus is the last out of several species which were discovered and described by our friend Dr Alan Galloway (USA) in his relentless work on this genus over the past decades, and who unfortunately has passed away in May. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package0356 | € 24,90 |
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