Earth Chestnut is a perennial with feather-like leaves and white flowering umbels in early summer. It is native of sunny meadows throughout Europe and Western Asia and has been used in ancient times for its edible fleshy storage roots which can be eaten either raw or cooked. These have a delicious, sweet chestnut-like taste. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, well drained, slightly sandy soil. Keep pots in a sunny and protected spot outside during winter. Transplant from autumn to spring. All are USDA Climate Zone 6. 20 seeds per package. |
Conopodium majus (Earth Chestnut)30 (50)cm, Earth Chestnut is a, Eurasian herbaceous perennial with feather-like leaves and white flowering umbels in early summer. The edible, fleshy storage roots have a pleasant, sweet chestnut like flavor and can be eaten either raw or cooked. For any rich, well drained, slighlty moist soil in a sunny spot. IV-V. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 4637 | € 3,99 |