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List by Plants' Species A - Z

Here you will find all species listed in alphabetical order. Please refer to the regular category concerning quantity of seeds per package and detailed sowing and cultivation recommendations for each plant species
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Abelmoschus esculentus (Red Okra)

Abelmoschus esculentus (Red Okra)

150 (200)cm, Red Okra or Red Lady Finger is an annual to short-lived perennial with utmost beautiful, large pale lemon-yellow flowers above deeply lobed reddish leaves and up to 20cm long, deep red, finger-like seed capsules. These are taken unripe, watered for several hours, cooked and added to various traditional dishes from Africa to the Middle East and India as a vegetable. Abelmoschus esculentus is known from cultivation only and may be an ancient stabilized hybrid with Abelmoschus tuberculatus from India as one parent. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun and sufficient watering in summer at a minimum of some 20°C. Best cultivated as an annual vegetable at a constantly rather high temperature in a greenhouse or wintergarden. Not only for the edible fruits, but for the color as well, this is a splendid ornamental plant. VII-IX.
10 seeds per package.

U.S. customers only: seeds cannot be shipped to the U.S.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package8378 € 1,99
seed package
Abelmoschus manihot (Aibika)

Abelmoschus manihot (Aibika)

150 (200)cm, Aibika, Sunset Muskmallow, Sunset Hibiscus, or Hibiscus Manihot is an annual to short-lived perennial with showy, large pale lemon-yellow flowers with a small dark center and pointed-oval seed capsules above broadly lobed and smooth leaves. In Asia and Australia very young leaves and still smoothly pubescent seed capsules are used as vegetables, the semi-woody stem is used for being rich in fiber. In the seed trade Abelmoschus manihot is hopelessly confused with Abelmoschus moschatus. Our seeds are from true-to-type plants. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun and sufficient watering in summer at a minimum of some 20°C. Best cultivated as an annual at a constantly rather high temperature in a greenhouse or wintergarden. VII-IX.
10 seeds per package.

U.S. customers only: seeds cannot be shipped to the U.S.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package8379 € 2,99
seed package
Abutilon grandifolium (Large-leafed Indian Mallow)

Abutilon grandifolium (Large-leafed Indian Mallow)

50 (120)cm, Large-leafed Indian Mallow is a biannual to perennial species with large, densely pubescent, heart shaped leaves and numerous slightly nodding, orange flower cups over a very long period. After flowering it makes some typical, upright hold seed pods. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year, reduce watering in winter and keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C. This item will be discontinued. The remaining stock is being offered at a reduced price. The regular price was € 1,99 per package. VI-XI.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3441 € 0,99
seed package (100 seeds)0473 € 4,99
Abutilon sonneratianum

Abutilon sonneratianum

40 (70)cm, makes a semi-woody perennial, low subshrub with nice orange-yellow flowers. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VII-IX.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package6016 € 2,99
Abutilon theophrasti (Indian Velvet-leaf Mallow)

Abutilon theophrasti (Indian Velvet-leaf Mallow)

120 (180)cm, Indian Velvet-leaf Mallow is a fast growing annual from South Asia with branching stems and showy yellowish- orange flowers above serrated, heart-shaped, pubescent leaves. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained, rather rocky soil in full sun. Sow directly to the ground after the last freezing nights in late spring to early summer. VII-IX.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4773 € 3,99
Acacia acinacea

Acacia acinacea

2,50 (5) m, Gold-dust Wattle or Round-leaved Wattle has ornamental bluish green, oblong-elliptic to broad-ovate pseudo-leaves and lose golden ball-like flowers on long pedicles. Native of south-eastern Australia growing in sandy soils in open woodlands. VII-IX.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3712 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Acacia acradenia

Acacia acradenia

4 (7)m, has ornamental bluish green, elliptic to ovate pseudo-leaves and dense cylindrical spikes of bright yellow flowers. Native of arid areas in sandy, stony soils throughout N Australia. VII-IX.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3713 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Acacia ancistrocarpa

Acacia ancistrocarpa

2 (4)m, decorative bluish green narrow leaves and axillary cylindrical, dense inflorescences with rich yellow flowers. Native of tropical areas of Australia (Western Australia, New Territory, and Queensland), occurring in sandy soils. IV-VII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3714 € 4,99
Acacia auriculiformis

Acacia auriculiformis

7 (30)m, Northern Black Wattle or Ear-pod Wattle is a tall tree with linear to narrowly elliptic, falcate pseudo-leaves and numerous long inflorescences of bright yellow flowers. Native of Cape York Peninsula in Queensland and New Territory, Australia, as well as Indonesia. Prefers a sandy-loamy soil. IV-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3715 € 4,99
Acacia baileyana

Acacia baileyana

3 (10)m, Cootamundra Wattle makes a fast-growing tall woody shrub to medium sized tree with ornamental, bluish-grey feathered-leaves and numerous, terminal and axillary bright yellow flower-balls. From the Temora, Cootamundra, and Stockinbingal district in New South Wales (Australia), where it grows in stony soils in open woodlands. VI-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3716 € 4,99
Acacia bivenosa

Acacia bivenosa

1 (3)m, Two Nerved Wattle is a small woody shrub with beautifully colored bluish green, oblong-elliptic to ovate pseudo-leaves and several deep golden flower-balls on long pedicles. Native of arid regions throughout Western Australia, New Territories and Queensland, where it prefers sandy to rocky soils in shrub lands and open woodlands. VI-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3717 € 4,99
Acacia brachybotrya

Acacia brachybotrya

1 (3)m, Grey Mulga or Grey Wattle makes a small, dense shrub with grayish green, asymmetrically oblong-elliptic to ovate pseudo-leaves and a terminal raceme of bright yellow flower-balls. From semi-arid regions in south-eastern Australia growing in rich, well drained soils. VI-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3718 € 4,99
Acacia brunioides

Acacia brunioides

2m, Brown Wattle is a medium sized shrub with densely packed small, narrow pseudo-leaves and beautiful pale lemon yellow terminally arranged flower buds. Naturally occurring in mountainous areas in New South Wales and Queensland. VI-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3719 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Acacia calamifolia

Acacia calamifolia

2 (4)m, Wallowa or Reed-leaf Wattle medium sized shrub narrowly linear pseudo-leaves and several golden yellow flowers loosely arranged in terminal racemes. From South Australia (Flinders Ranges, Mt. Hack to Tothill Ranges) and New South Wales. Grows easily in any rich, well drained sandy to slightly loamy soil. VI-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3720 € 4,99
Acacia conferta

Acacia conferta

2 (4)m, Crowded-leaf Wattle makes a medium sized shrub with quite short, narrowly oblong-elliptic pseudo-leaves and a dense terminal raceme of rich yellow flower-balls. Occurs in New South Wales to Queensland preferring dry sandy or loamy soils. V-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3721 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Acacia cretata

Acacia cretata

4 (7)m, tall single-stemmed shrub to medium sized tree with grayish green, falcate foliage and long axillarily born, rich golden yellow inflorescences. Native of Queensland (Great Dividing Range) in sandy to stony soils in open Eucalyptus woods. VII-IX.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3722 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Acacia cultriformis

Acacia cultriformis

2 (4)m, Knife-leaf Wattle or Half-moon Wattle grows a medium sized shrub with ornamental bluish green, short pseudo-leaves and densely packed, bright yellow, axillarily born flower racemes. From New South Wales (Narrundera) to Queensland (Stanthorpe and Inglewood area), where I occurs in sandy to loamy soils. V-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3723 € 4,99
Acacia debilis

Acacia debilis

3 (6)m, tall shrub to small tree with a grayish green to reddish green bark, ornamental grayish green, feathered leaves, golden yellow flower buds in terminal racemes. From south-eastern Queensland to New South Wales, where it grows in sandy to stony soils. VI-IX.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3726 € 4,99
Acacia decora

Acacia decora

1 (3)m, Western Silver Wattle or Western Golden Wattle is a shrub with linear pseudo-leaves and numerous small golden yellow flower buds in lose terminal racemes. Form rocky soils throughout E Australia. V-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3727 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Acacia decurrens

Acacia decurrens

7 (12)m, Black Wattle or Green Wattle makes a tall woody shrub to medium sized tree with dark green feathered leaves and terminal racemes of rich golden flowers. Native of stony to rocky soils in New South Wales (Hunter Valley area). This item will be discontinued. The remaining stock is being offered at a greatly reduced price. The regular price was € 4,99 per package. VII-IX.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3728 € 0,99
Acacia dictyophleba

Acacia dictyophleba

1 (3)m, medium sized shrub with short grayish green to yellowish green oblanceolate pseudo-leaves and terminal clusters of golden flower buds. Naturally occurs throughout arid areas in N and central Australia (Pilbara region to the Simpson Desert). For any sandy to rocky, well drained soil. V-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3729 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Acacia falcata

Acacia falcata

2 (5)m, Burra or Hickory Wattle medium sized woody shrub with ornamental, eucalyptus-like, falcate, bluish green pseudo-leaves on reddish brown branches and axillary racemes of cream flower buds. Native of coastal regions and slopes in New South Wales, where it prefers well drained, stony soils. V-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3730 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Acacia falciformis

Acacia falciformis

5 (11)m, Mountain Hickory or Black Wattle is a tree with eucalyptus-like, narrowly falcate, grayish green to bluish green pseudo-leaves and terminal lax racemes with numerous small, rich yellow flower buds. From loamy to sandy soils in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. V-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3731 € 4,99
Acacia filicifolia

Acacia filicifolia

3 (12)m, Fern-leaved Wattle makes a tall shrub to small tree with fern-like, feathered leaves and lax terminal racemes of pale yellow to lemon yellow flower buds. Native of south-eastern Queensland, (Stanthorpe) and New South Wales (Legume to Bateman’s Bay and central tablelands), growing in sandy o rocky soils, VII-X.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3733 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Acacia genistifolia

Acacia genistifolia

0.5 (3)m, Spreading Wattle or Early Wattle small shrub with needle-like foliage and terminal pale yellow to creamy flower buds on long pedicles. Native of south-eastern Australia (Dubbo, Grampians) and N and E Tasmania, where it naturally occurs in well drained soils in dry woods. V-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3734 € 4,99