Here you will find all species listed in alphabetical order. Please refer to the regular category concerning quantity of seeds per package and detailed sowing and cultivation recommendations for each plant species => click on "More Details »" => on the new product detail page click on the category on the bottom left side "Try these categories" |
Mentha cervina (Hart's Pennyroyal Mint)20 (40)cm, Hart's Pennyroyal Mint is a herbaceous to semi-evergreen perennial with highly fragrant and strong aromatic narrow, greyish-green leaves and upright hold racemes with small rose flowers in dense whorls. This species contains Polegion, which is poisonous (!), thus do not use leaves for the preparation of herbal teas! It is Native of humus rich, slightly moist soils in Portugal, on the Balearic islands (Spain) and Corsica (France). Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package 6394 | € 3,99 | |||
Mentha longifolia (Lebanese Horse Mint)70 (120)cm, Lebanese Horse Mint is a form from the Lebanon. It makes elongated oval leaves, densely covered with short, fine hairs and an intense aromatic mint scent and flavor, and terminal, elongated, densely packed clusters of light pink flowers. Seeds from plants found growing along a stream in Yammoune (Beka'a valley, Lebanon) at some 1.650m. Prefers a rich, well drained, yet slightly moist soil. A fully winter hardy herbaceous mint. V-IX. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1404 | € 4,99 |
Mentha longifolia (Sweet Horse Mint)120 (160)cm, Sweet Horse Mint has a dense and large foliage, which is strongly silvery-pubescent (hairy), and especially in this form it shows a very pleasant sweet aroma. This form may be used for the preparation of herbal teas. It makes dense terminal clusters of small pinky flowers. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VI-VIII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1403 | € 1,99* |
Mentha longifolia ssp. capensis (Cape Horse Mint)100cm, Cape Horse Mint or Karoo Horse Mint from South Africa has unusually narrow, long, fresh green leaves with a sweet-aromatic mint flavor and terminal spikes of white flowers. Fully winterhardy in Central Europe and easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 3390 | € 4,99 |
Mentha pulegium (Penny-Royal Mint)30 (40)cm, Penny-Royal Mint is an European perennial mint species with slightly creeping rhizomes and annual upright hold flower stalks with strongly aromatic leaves and pale rose flower whorls, which are attracting insects. This species contains Polegion, which is poisonous (!), thus do not use leaves for the preparation of herbal teas! Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package9182 | € 2,99* |
Mentha suaveolens ssp. insularis (Apple Mint)20 (40)cm, Apple Mint is a herbaceous to semi-evergreen perennial with strongly fragrant and aromatic leaves which may be used either fresh or dried in the preparation of refreshing teas. The subspecies insularis is native of the Mediterranean and is easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package5217 | € 4,99 |
Mentzelia decapetala (Ten-petal Blazingstar)20 (60)cm, Ten-petal Blazingstar is a biannual with showy very large white star-like flowers above spiny, greyish-green, strongly serrated leaves on upright stems. Native of open rocky spots in southwestern USA. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VII-IX. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 4758 | € 4,99* |
Mentzelia lindleyi (Lindley's Yellow Blazing Star) |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package6980 | € 3,99* |
Menyanthes trifoliata (Buckbean)20 (30)cm, Buckbean is a showy herbaceous bog plant with perennial creeping rhizomes and trifoliate leaves topped by ornamental pure white flowers with fringed petals. From humus rich, always wet soils in Eurasia and North America. Best grown as border plant of a pond or in water filled pots. III-IV. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package7110 | € 2,99 | |||
Merendera filifolia10cm, a showy autumn flowering, winter green and summer dormant species from the Western Mediterranean where is occurs in rocky, sunexposed fields. A real plant gem which is not reliably winter hardy and best grown in pots under frostfree conditions throughout the year. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun in winter at a minimum of some 5°C. Please note that offered bulbs are flowering size and were in growth when lifted and all leaves and roots have been cut off. Bulbs may not come into new full growth again before late summer the following year! IX-XI. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
package (3 tubers)8238 | € 4,99 |
Merremia bipinnatipartita |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package8307 | € 4,99 |
Merremia dissecta (Woody Morning Glory)3 (7)m, Woody Morning Glory is a strong growing twining perennial with a woody base and semiperennial vines. Merremia dissecta is native from southern USA to Central and South America. It produces pale rose trumpet flowers with a reddish-violet heart, which open during the day and close before sunset, and deeply lobed, dark green, slightly hairy leaves. For any humus rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants dryer at a minimum of some 15°C.VI-IX. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 3354 | € 4,99 |
Mertensia ciliata (Tall Fringed Bluebell)170 (210)cm, Tall Fringed Bluebell makes very tall stems topped by terminal clusters with pendulous blue bells above bluish gray leaves. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot with protection from winter wetness. Excellent in the rock garden. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Gunnison County, Colorado, USA at some 3050m. V-VI. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 5333 | € 7,99 |
Mertensia lanceolata (Lanceleaf Chiming Bells)30 (45)cm, Lanceleaf Chiming Bells makes terminal clusters of bluish pink flowers bells above glaucous, narrow leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Elbert County, Colorado, USA at some 2050m. IV-V. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 5334 | € 7,99 |
Mertensia macdougalii (Macdougal's Bluebells)30 (45)cm, Macdougal's Bluebells has terminal clusters of nodding blue bell flowers above bluish green, broadly ovate leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Coconino County, Arizona, USA at some 2100m. IV-V. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 5336 | € 7,99 |
Mertensia oblongifolia (Oblong Leaf Bluebells)25 (35)cm, Oblong Leaf Bluebells makes terminal clusters of bright blue, nodding flowers above lance shaped to elliptical leaves covered with short hairs. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Blaine County, Idaho, USA at some 2050m. IV-V. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 5337 | € 5,99 |
Mertensia viridis (Bluebells)25 (35)cm, Bluebells a variable species with terminal clusters of showy rich bluish purple flower bells above lanceolate, coarsely haired leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from certified wild collections in Park County, Colorado, USA at some 3800m and in Carbon County, Wyoming, USA at some 2300m. IV-V. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 5338 | € 7,99 |
Metaplexis japonica (Japanese Rough Potato)3 (5)m, Japanese Rough Potato is a very rarely cultivated perennial from East Asia and Japan. It makes annual, fast growing vines from a perennial rootstock and showy, fringed whittish-rose star-like flowers. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a shaded to sunny spot. Plants require a climbing aid. VI-VIII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package8248 | € 3,99* |
Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Chinese Mammoth Tree)10 (40)m, Chinese Mammoth Tree, a pyramidal summer green conifer with bright green needles, and a reddish brown, fissuring bark. Small, brown seed capsules in autumn on older specimens. For any slightly moist, well drained soil in a sunny spot. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 2903 | € 3,99 |
Micromeria varia ssp. thymoides var. thymoides10 (15)cm, ground covering, strongly aromatic, woody sub shrub from open spots in rocky soils in central Madeira. Has densely pale green leafed stems and numerous bright rose flowers. Fresh or dried leaves may be used in salads and soups. For any rocky, well drained soil in a sunny spot in the heated greenhouse or cool wintergarden. Keep drier and sunny in winter at a minimum of some 5°C. VI-VIII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package 1104 | € 4,99 | |||
Mimosa nuttallii (Winter Hardy Sensitive Rose)30cm, Winter Hardy Sensitive Rose or Catclaw, (syn. Schrankia uncinata) is a very curious herbaceous, spreading, semi-woody shrub with pale pink to rose, puffed flower balls and feathered leaves which react to any touch. It is native of sandy to rocky soils in the Great Plains, USA. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny and protected spot in the garden. V-VIII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 3931 | € 3,99 |
Mimosa pudica (Sensitive Plant)40 (100)cm, Sensitive Plant or Mimosa is a short lived perennial which is usually grown as an annual in colder regions. It has feathered leaves and rosy-pink flower buds and is native of tropical America, where it grows in dryish to marshy soils. The leaves rapidly fold when being touched, hurt or exposed to heat. Easily grown in any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot. Best grown as an annual, sow under glass in mid spring at a minimum of some 20°C. Keep pots in a sunny spot and transplant seedlings to the final spot in the garden after the last freezing nights from end of spring to mid summer. VI-VIII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 8024 | € 0,99 |
Mimulus ringens (Monkey Flower)80 (120)cm, Monkey Flower is a tall herbaceous perennial with showy axillary purplish-blue flowers on erect stalks. It is native of moist meadows, flood plains and along side streams throughout most of North America. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained, always slightly moist soil in a preferably partial shade. VI-IX. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 0016 | € 2,99 |
Miqueliopuntia miquelii |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package6873 | € 7,99 | |||
Mirabilis jalapa (Four O'Clock Flower)This item will be discontinued. The remaining stock is being offered at a reduced price. The regular price was € 1,99 per package. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package6973 | € 0,99 |