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List by Plants' Species A - Z

Here you will find all species listed in alphabetical order. Please refer to the regular category concerning quantity of seeds per package and detailed sowing and cultivation recommendations for each plant species
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Campanula americana

Campanula americana

70 (100)cm, Campanula native in North America. Makes tall racemes with numerous white throated, sky blue flowers all summer long. Shade to partial shade in a moist, well drained spot. VI-IX.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2528 € 3,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Campanula barbata (Bearded Bellflower)

Campanula barbata (Bearded Bellflower)

30cm, Bearded Bellflower is a biannual native of the Alps and the Carpathians. Makes a basal rosette of hairy, grayish-green leaves and showy upright stems with pendulous, sky-blue bellflowers. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. An excellent plant for the rock garden. V-VI.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4593 € 3,99
seed package
Campanula baumgartenii (Lance shaped Bellflower)

Campanula baumgartenii (Lance shaped Bellflower)

20 (30)cm, Lance shaped Bellflower makes small, rich blue flowers. A very rare endemic of Central Europe from eastern France (Vosges du Nord) to central Germany (Pfalz, Taunus, and Odenwald). For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2529 € 4,99
Campanula bohemica

Campanula bohemica

120 (160)cm, tall species with a long spike with numerous pale blue flowers above a basal leaf rosette. V-VIII.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2531 € 2,99
Campanula bononiensis

Campanula bononiensis

40 (100)cm, an European and West Asian species with a spike of lilac blue flowers above grayish green, oval to lanceolate leaves, densely pubescent on the lower side. A rare bellflower from dry shrub formations growing in well drained clay soils in sunny spots. VII - IX.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2532 € 4,99
Campanula carpatica var. turbinata

Campanula carpatica var. turbinata

20 (30)cm, a rare and beautiful variety with large sky blue (sometimes pure white) bellflowers on short, somehow creeping stems. Ideal in any well drained soil in a sunny spot in the rock garden. VI-IX.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2535 € 3,99
Campanula cervicaria

Campanula cervicaria

70 (100)cm, large Campanula with dense umbels of violet blue flowers. For a sandy and moist spot in partial shade to shade. V-VII.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2536 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Campanula cochleariifolia

Campanula cochleariifolia

15cm, dwarf ground covering Campanula with blue, drooping, bell shaped flowers in summer, very free-flowering. For the rockery garden. VI-IX.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2537 € 2,99
seed package
Campanula collina (Mountain Bellflower)

Campanula collina (Mountain Bellflower)

15cm (25), Mountain Bellflower is a dwarf species from the Caucasus with quite large, deep purple to bluish-purple flowerbells on an upright hold stalk above a dense basal leaf rosette. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. V-VII.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3009 € 7,99
Campanula fenestrellata

Campanula fenestrellata

15cm, dwarf Campanula with numerous, tiny, blue flowers appearing throughout summer. Excellent in the rockery garden. VI-X.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2539 € 4,99
Campanula garganica

Campanula garganica

15cm, beautiful, dwarf perennial for the rockery garden. Makes several clusters of blue flowers with white centers from V-IX.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2541 € 4,99
Campanula glomerata (Clustered Bellflower)

Campanula glomerata (Clustered Bellflower)

30 (50)cm, Clustered Bellflower is from clay soil throughout Europe and has densely packed clusters of bright bluish purple, funnel shaped flowers. V-VI.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2542 € 1,99
Campanula glomerata ssp. dahurica (Siberian Clustered Bellflower)

Campanula glomerata ssp. dahurica (Siberian Clustered Bellflower)

30 (50)cm, Siberian Clustered Bellflower is native throughout Russia (Siberia) and has densely packed clusters of bright bluish purple, funnel shaped flowers above middle green leaves. V-VI.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 5147 € 4,99
Campanula glomerata ssp. farinosa

Campanula glomerata ssp. farinosa

40 (60)cm, beautiful subspecies from central Asia with large, dense flower clusters of a rich violet color on upright, tall stems. Flowers a little bit later than the type species. VI-VII.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2543 € 4,99
Campanula grossekii

Campanula grossekii

100 (150)cm, elegant broad racemes with numerous deep blue, widely opening flowers in VI-IX.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2545 € 3,99
Campanula komarovii

Campanula komarovii

30 (70)cm, semiperennial with a basal leaf rosette and upright stalks with yellowish green, serrated leaves and quite large, rich blue flower bells. A rare native of dry meadows in the Caucasus. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Will readily self-sow under suitable conditions. V-VII.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3489 € 4,99
Campanula lactiflora

Campanula lactiflora

120 (200)cm, very large bellflower with numerous light blue to milky inflorescences above yellowish green leaves. For a sunny to partially shaded spot in any soil providing some humus and good drainage. VI-VIII.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2546 € 4,99
seed package
Campanula latifolia

Campanula latifolia

60 (100)cm, native throughout Europe extending to Pakistan and Nepal. A leafy perennial with long spikes of large, nodding, dark blue-purple, bell shaped flowers in VII-IX.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2548 € 4,99
Campanula latifolia var. macrantha (Greater Bellflower)

Campanula latifolia var. macrantha (Greater Bellflower)

80 (120)cm, Greater Bellflower is a showy species with erect stalks covered with quite large, dark blue flower bells and serrated leaves. Native of meadows and borders n woods in Eurasia. For any rich, well drained soil in partial shade to full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. IV-V.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4800 € 4,99
Campanula makaschvilii

Campanula makaschvilii

50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package7008 € 4,99
Campanula medium

Campanula medium

70 (100)cm, Campanula from S Spain with strong spikes of very large flowers (up to 5cm in length !) in shades of violet blue (rarely white). VII-IX.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2549 € 2,99
Campanula patula (Meadow Bellflower)

Campanula patula (Meadow Bellflower)

20 (30)cm, Meadow Bellflower makes filigree stems with pale lilac-blue flowers above narrow, lanceolate leaves. Native of meadows throughout Eurasia. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden. V-VII.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4801 € 4,99
Campanula patula ssp. abietina (Perennial Meadow Bellflower)

Campanula patula ssp. abietina (Perennial Meadow Bellflower)

20 (30)cm, Perennial Meadow Bellflower is similar to he species, yet more robust in all parts. Makes filigree stems with pale lilac-blue flowers above narrow, lanceolate leaves. Native of montane meadows throughout Eurasia. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden. V-VII.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4802 € 4,99
Campanula persicifolia (blue form)

Campanula persicifolia (blue form)

70 (120)cm, forms a 20cm ø rosette of which various flowering stalks emerge with large sky blue flower bells. Most seedlings from this batch shall be blue, however some may be white flowering. V-VII.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2550 € 2,99
Campanula persicifolia (Peach-leafed Bellflower)

Campanula persicifolia (Peach-leafed Bellflower)

70 (120)cm, Peach-leafed Bellflower, a mixture of white and blue flowered plants. These make a 20cm ø basal leaf rosette out of which various flowering stalks emerge with large flower bells. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4605 € 1,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.