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List by Plants' Species A - Z

Here you will find all species listed in alphabetical order. Please refer to the regular category concerning quantity of seeds per package and detailed sowing and cultivation recommendations for each plant species
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Centaurea montana (Mountain Corn Flower)

Centaurea montana (Mountain Corn Flower)

30 (50)cm, Mountain Corn Flower is a very variable species from sunny mountainous meadows across Europe with hairy, grayish, lance shaped leaves and large lilac blue flowers with a purplish centre. Pleasantly strong honey fragrance. Plants from Scandinavia grow taller and have longer, narrow ovate leaves in comparison to populations from Central Europe. V-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2581 € 2,99
seed package (ex Frescati, Stockholm, Sweden)6348 € 3,99
seed package (ex Frescati, Stockholm, Sweden)
(ex Frescati, Stockholm, Sweden)
Centaurea montana f. stenophylla (Vosges Mountain Corn Flower)

Centaurea montana f. stenophylla (Vosges Mountain Corn Flower)

25 (40)cm, Vosges Mountain Corn Flower is a rare, smaller form from sunny, steep grassy slopes in the Vosges (France) with hairy, grayish-green, lance shaped leaves and lilac blue flowers with a purplish centre. Pleasantly strong honey fragrance. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. VI-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4648 € 4,99
Centaurea nigra ssp. nemoralis

Centaurea nigra ssp. nemoralis

50 (70)cm, ornamental subspecies with deep purple flowers. For full sun to partial shade, in any well drained soil. VI-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2582 € 3,99
Centaurea nigrescens (Tyrol Knapweed)

Centaurea nigrescens (Tyrol Knapweed)

60 (90)cm, Tyrol Knapweed or Vochin Knapweed is an ornamental species with deep purple flowers. For full sun to partial shade, in any well drained soil. VI-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2583 € 3,99
Centaurea phrygia ssp. pseudophrygia

Centaurea phrygia ssp. pseudophrygia

60 (85)cm, light purple pink cornflowers on loose branches. For a sunny site in any rich, well drained soil. VI-VII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2584 € 3,99
Centaurea scabiosa (Great Knapweed)

Centaurea scabiosa (Great Knapweed)

45 (70)cm, Great Knapweed has nice purple, large Scabiosa like flowers. Full sun to partial shade in any well drained soil. VII-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2588 € 4,99
Centaurea uniflora ssp. nervosa (Singleflower Knapweed)

Centaurea uniflora ssp. nervosa (Singleflower Knapweed)

30 (50)cm, Singleflower Knapweed is a perennial species with showy, quite large single, pale lilac flower heads on upright stems above lanceolate leaves. Native of montane areas in Southern Europe. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4804 € 4,99
Cephalaria alpina (Alpine Giant Scabiosa)

Cephalaria alpina (Alpine Giant Scabiosa)

150 (200)cm, Alpine Giant Scabiosa is a perennial with impressively tall stalks with pale cream yellow, flat flower heads above long, serrated, fresh green leaves arranged in a dense basal rosette. Native of humus rich spots in rock crevices and meadows in the Alps. Easily grown in any rich, preferably slightly moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VI-VII.
10 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3522 € 2,99
seed package
Cephalaria gigantea (Giant Scabiosa)

Cephalaria gigantea (Giant Scabiosa)

100 (140)cm, Giant Scabiosa is a perennial with impressively tall stalks with pale cream yellow, flat flower heads above a dense basal leaf rosette. Native of borders alongside streams and in moist mountain meadows in the Caucasus and Turkey. Easily grown in any humus rich, preferably slightly moist soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
10 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4619 € 4,99
Cephalaria leucantha

Cephalaria leucantha

50 (100)cm, a rarely seen perennial species with showy pure white flower heads above silvery grey foliage. Native of montane areas in Southwestern Europe. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
10 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4805 € 4,99
Cephalaria transsylvanica

Cephalaria transsylvanica

100 (150)cm, is a fast growing annual with numerous white to pale blue and rose shaded flower heads on strongly branching stems with feathered leaves. It is native of meadows from southeastern Europe to Turkey. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained, rather rocky soil in a sunny spot. VII-IX.
10 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4784 € 2,99
seed package
Ceratonia siliqua (Carob Tree)

Ceratonia siliqua (Carob Tree)

Carob Tree has elegant, feathered leaves and yellowish red flowers followed by bean-like fruits. Mature fruits are turning reddish brown. Extracted brown pulp makes an excellent refreshing drink. Native from Lebanon to Palestine. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year.
7 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2162 € 2,99
seed package
Ceratotheca triloba (False Sesame)

Ceratotheca triloba (False Sesame)

90 (140)cm, False Sesame is an utmost showy annual with quite large, white to pink trumpet flowers. For any rich, very well drained, preferably rocky soil in a sunny spot. Sow in early spring at a minimum of some 20°C in full sun. VII-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 6023 € 3,99*
seed package
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Cercis canadensis (Eastern Redbud)

Cercis canadensis (Eastern Redbud)

3 (8)m, Eastern Redbud is a tall shrub to short tree with bright rose flowers. It is native of New Jersey to Florida and west to Missouri. For a sunny to partially shaded spot in any rich, well drained soil. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2224 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Cercis chinensis (Chinese Redbud)

Cercis chinensis (Chinese Redbud)

3 (8)m, Chinese Redbud is a very rare species with deep lilac flowers above large light green leaves, native of E Asia. For a sunny to partially shaded spot in any rich, well drained soil. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2225 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Cercis occidentalis (Western Redbud)

Cercis occidentalis (Western Redbud)

3 (8)m, Western Redbud has numerous bright rose flowers. Native of W USA. For any well drained soil in full sun. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2226 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Cercis siliquastrum (Common Redbud)

Cercis siliquastrum (Common Redbud)

3 (8), Common Redbud is a very floriferous species with thousands of deep-pink flowers. Native of the E Mediterranean. A very adaptable Cercis species for any rich soil in full sun to partial shade. III-IV.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2227 € 3,99*
seed package
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Cerinthe major (Tall Honeywort)

Cerinthe major (Tall Honeywort)

30 (50)cm, Tall Honeywort an annual, losley branching species from the Mediterranean with broad oval, plain bluish-green leaves and showy nodding pale lemon yellow to rich sulfur yellow flowers. Easily cultivated in any rich rich, well drained soil in full sun. IV-VIII.
10 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4647 € 2,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Cerinthe major var. purpurascens  (Tall Violet Honeywort)

Cerinthe major var. purpurascens (Tall Violet Honeywort)

30 (50)cm, Tall Violet Honeywort is a beautiful annual, losley branching species from the Mediterranean with broad oval, plain bluish-green leaves and showy nodding yellowish flowers with a reddish-purple outer tip. Easily cultivated in any rich rich, well drained soil in full sun. IV-VIII.
10 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4530 € 3,99
Cestrum elegans (Mexican Red Cestrum)

Cestrum elegans (Mexican Red Cestrum)

150 (250)cm, Mexican Red Cestrum is a showy evergreen, woody shrub with narrow, bowing stems and terminal inflorescences of dark red, glossy, tubular flowers. An excellent container plant for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Sow flat in any rich, well drained substrate at some 20°C throughout the year, do not cover seeds with soil and keep seedlings in full sun. VI-VII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package8154 € 3,99
seed package
Cestrum parqui (Palqui)

Cestrum parqui (Palqui)

200 (300)cm, Palqui is a perennial, woody, evergreen shrub with terminal, lax racemes of lemon yellow to cream trumpet shaped flowers. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 12°C. This item will be discontinued. The remaining stock is being offered at a reduced price. The regular price was € 2,99 per package. VII-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 4006 € 0,99
seed package
Chamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge Pea)

Chamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge Pea)

50 (70)cm, Partridge Pea (syn. Cassia fasciculata) is a fast growing annual with bright yellow flowers above feathered leaves. It is native of prairies in the tall-grass region in the US and prefers a well drained soil in full sun in a protected spot. VII-IX.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 3622 € 4,99*
* This price is valid if a single item is ordered only. The shop will automatically assign discounts on bulk purchases. If several packages are ordered from this species, they will be merged into a single package. Please refer to our General Terms of Business.
Chamaecytisus supinus ssp. supinus (Big-flower Broom)

Chamaecytisus supinus ssp. supinus (Big-flower Broom)

100 (150)cm, Big-flower Broom is a showy winter hardy, deciduous woody species from central to south-eastern Europe with dense terminal clusters of rich yellow flowers in spring and summer. For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. USDA Climate Zone 6. VI-VII.
10 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 6509 € 4,99
Chamaerops humilis (Mediterranean Fan Palm)

Chamaerops humilis (Mediterranean Fan Palm)

1 (4)m, Mediterranean Fan Palm is an elegant and easily cultivated dwarf fan palm native to the Mediterranean region. It usually grows as a clump with several stems. Plant in any humus rich, well drained soil in full sun. In milder climates it can be grown in the garden, during winter protect vegetation point from excessive moisture (e.g. with a thick dry mulch layer or plastic foil). USDA Climate Zone 8/9.
7 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 2168 € 2,99
Chamaescilla corymbosa (Australian Blue Stars)

Chamaescilla corymbosa (Australian Blue Stars)

20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package6941 € 4,99