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Seeds from our rarest plants

On this page you find seed packages from the rarest plants we offer. Please refer to the regular category concerning quantity of seeds per package and detailed sowing and cultivation recommendations for each plant species
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Coreopsis gigantea (Giant Coreopsis)

Coreopsis gigantea (Giant Coreopsis)

100 (150)cm, Giant Coreopsis (syn. Leptosyne gigantea) is a unique species with a massive, greyish brown trunk crowned by narrow, feather-like leaves and showy yellow flowers on arching stalks. It is native of few sites in coastal areas of California (USA). For any rich, very well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year. This stunny species is not winterhardy in Central Europe. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds are from a certified wild collection in Santa Barbara County, California, USA at some 50m. USDA Climate Zone 9. VII-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package6751 € 12,90
Dracaena draco ssp. ajgal (Moroccan Dragon Tree)

Dracaena draco ssp. ajgal (Moroccan Dragon Tree)

2 (5)m, Moroccan Dragon Tree is a threatened and only in 1997 new described subspecies endemic to the Assif Amaghouz mountain range in the western Anti-Atlas in southwestern Morocco. In cultivation it is known from few specimens only, out of which less than a handful specimens have reached maturity so far. It mainly differs from the type species from the Canary islands by the arrangement of the inflorescences. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny position throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 12°C.
3 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package1290 € 19,90
Dracaena draco ssp. caboverdeana (Cape Verde Dragon Tree)

Dracaena draco ssp. caboverdeana (Cape Verde Dragon Tree)

2 (5)m, Cape Verde Dragon Tree is an only in 2012 new described subspecies endemic to the Cabo Verde archipelago, offcoast central Western Africa. In cultivation it is still virtually unknown. It differs from the type species from the Canary islands by very showy bluish-green leaves and a more compact habit with a much shorter trunk. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny position throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 12°C.
3 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package0283 € 12,90
Dracaena ombet ssp. schizantha (Somalia Dragon Tree)

Dracaena ombet ssp. schizantha (Somalia Dragon Tree)

2 (7)m, Somalia Dragon Tree (syn. Dracaena schizantha) is a very rare subspecies from dry mountain regions along coastal areas of the Indian Ocean in northern Somalia. It has long and narrow, greyish-green, rigid leaves. For any rich, very well drained substrat in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 12°C. Plants flower every 8 to to 12 years, thus seeds can be offered every 10 years only.
3 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package0284 € 14,90
Hibiscus cf. genevii (Rose Mauritius Mandrinette Hibiscus)

Hibiscus cf. genevii (Rose Mauritius Mandrinette Hibiscus)

150 (200)cm, Rose Mauritius Mandrinette Hibiscus is a rare and highly endangered, evergreen wild species from the island of Mauritius, where is was thought to be extinct until a couple of plants were rediscovered in 1968. The pure species has small leaves and rather large, very ornamental, pale rose flowers. In cultivation there is one genetic line present (our seeds) which most likely is of hybrid origin with probably Hibiscus boryanus as the second elder. Juvenile leaves in these plants are needle like and correspond to the species, however flowers have a somewhat different color with a more orange to salmon tinge. Hence we offer these seeds as Hibiscus cf. genevii, as the identity of these plants is still unclear. Easily grown in any rich, well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year and reduced watering in winter at a minimum of 20°C. Seeds from all Hibiscus species in section Lilibiscus (e.g Hibiscus arnottianus, Hibiscus cooperi, Hibiscus denisonii, Hibiscus fragilis, Hibiscus genevii, etc. ) germinate unevenly over a period of several months. Keep pots in a warm spot and the soil slightlly moist until germination will occur. IV-VII.
5 seeds per package.

U.S. customers only: seeds cannot be shipped to the U.S.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package0686 € 14,90
Hibiscus fragilis (Pink Mauritius Mandrinette Hibiscus)

Hibiscus fragilis (Pink Mauritius Mandrinette Hibiscus)

50 (90)cm, Pink Mauritius Mandrinette Hibiscus is an extremly rare and highly endangered, evergreen wild species from the island of Mauritius. It has a slightly prostrate habit and bears small leathery dark green leaves and ornamental, and for size of the plant rather large, rich pink (orange in an extremely are form) flowers. Easily grown in any rich, well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year and reduced watering in winter at a minimum of 20°C. Seeds from all Hibiscus species in section Lilibiscus (e.g Hibiscus arnottianus, Hibiscus cooperi, Hibiscus fragilis, Hibiscus genevii, Hibiscus mabberleyi, etc.) germinate unevenly over a period of several months. Keep pots in a warm spot and the soil slightly moist until germination will occur. Between around 2017 and 2022 a wholesale company had been distributing wrongly identified seeds from probably a hybrid under the name of Hibiscus fragilis, and several resellers resold these false seeds worldwide. Our seeds are from true, unhybridized, true-to-type plants being cultivated by ourselves, and the photo shows a flower from one of our mother plants. From us you will get the real deal. III-VII.
5 seeds per package.

U.S. customers only: seeds cannot be shipped to the U.S.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package0248 € 19,90
Hibiscus insularis (Phillip Island Hibiscus)

Hibiscus insularis (Phillip Island Hibiscus)

120 (200)cm, Phillip Island Hibiscus is one of the most endangered plant species in the world. Hibiscus insularis was down to just two genetically distinct specimens in habitat on Phillip Island, south of Norfolk Island, 1.400 km offshore eastern Australia. It is a medium tall evergreen shrub with leathery, shiny dark green leaves with crenulate margins and very showy, greenish-yellow flowers turning to dark rose at maturity, and with an reddish violet eye. On adult specimens flowers are set in abundance, yet seed set is extremely erratic despite careful hand pollination. Most plants in cultivation are from cuttings from the last two wild specimens, thus the genetic variation is extremely low in this species, and which may be the cause of a very low seed set. Also, germination in this species in unpredictable and it will take several months to almost an entire year. As a matter of fact, it is probably the most complicated species we have to get going from seeds. Our seeds were collected in March 2024 and are as fresh as they can be. Each single seed is visually inspected and all potentially unviable seeds are discarded. Germination tests yielded a germination rate between 15% to 25% under optimal conditions. However, we cannot give any guarantee on germination. In the best case you may be able to raise some 1 to 2 seedlings from one seed package, in the worst case there will be no germination at all. So be prepared not to have any success! Sowing is the very same as for other tropical Hibiscus species. Prior to sowing preferably soak seeds for 48 h in luke warm water. Use any rich, well drained substrate and keep pots at around 25°C in a partially shaded spot. In their first years seedlings will look very differently from adult plants. Leaves in immature plants will be very small and strongly lobed, upon maturity leaves will develop their adult and more round shape. For any rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded (summer) to sunny (winter) spot at a minimum of some 20°C. V-X.
5 seeds per package.

U.S. customers only: seeds cannot be shipped to the U.S.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package (10 seeds)0667 € 39,90
seed package (5 seeds)0662 € 29,90
Hibiscus mabberleyi spec. nov. (Mabberley's Hibiscus)

Hibiscus mabberleyi spec. nov. (Mabberley's Hibiscus)

180 (240)cm, Mabberley's Hibiscus is an in 2023 new described species which is extinct in nature, where it was supposedly native to some Mascarene islands. Few specimens are still grown by botanical gardens and a handful of private cultivators, where this species had been labelled Hibiscus denisonii until recently. Hibiscus mabberleyi has finely pubescent leaves. There are at least two genetic lines still alive in cultivation, one with white flowers upon opening, later fading to very pale rose (photo), and a second and much rarer one with flowers which will stay white. The rose flowering form is sometimes confused with Hibiscus x denisonii or Hibiscus storckii, which both are different taxa. All plants sold as Hibiscus storckii are in fact Hibiscus cooperi. Easily grown in any rich, well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year and reduced watering in winter at a minimum of 20°C. True to type seeds are worldwide exclusively available from . Seeds from all Hibiscus species in section Lilibiscus (e.g Hibiscus arnottianus, Hibiscus cooperi, Hibiscus x denisonii, Hibiscus fragilis, Hibiscus genevii, Hibiscus mabberleyi, etc.) germinate unevenly over a period of several months. Keep pots in a warm spot and the soil slightlly moist until germination will occur. Seeds are extremely scarce and they are supplied on a first-come-first-served basis. The tested germination rate is > 80% in this species under optimal conditions. VI-X.
5 seeds per package.

U.S. customers only: seeds cannot be shipped to the U.S.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package0609 € 29,90
(pale rose flowering form)
Hibiscus punaluuensis (Fragrant White Aloalo Hibiscus)

Hibiscus punaluuensis (Fragrant White Aloalo Hibiscus)

250 (500)cm, Fragrant White Aloalo Hibiscus (syn. Hibiscus arnottianus ssp. punaluuensis) is an endangered, tall evergreen woody shrub native of the Ko'olau Range on O'ahu, Hawaii, USA. It is one out of few slightly fragrant Hibiscus species which are all endemic to the Hawaiian archipielago. Hibiscus punaluuensis has dark green, large oval leaves and showy slightly fragrant pure white flowers with a long protruding reddish pistil. Whereas most hibiscus species in section Lilibiscus can be easily propagated by semi woody stem cuttings, for us this has proven extremely difficult in Hibiscus punaluuensis, as only one out of several dozens cuttings may eventually root. So the easier way for propagation is via seeds. Our seeds are from pure, unhybridized, true-to-type plants. For any rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded (summer) to sunny (winter) spot at a minimum of some 15°C. VI-X.
5 seeds per package.

U.S. customers only: seeds cannot be shipped to the U.S.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package0597 € 39,90
seed package
Hibiscus x denisonii (Denison's Hibiscus)

Hibiscus x denisonii (Denison's Hibiscus)

120 (160)cm, Denison's Hibiscus is an old stabilized polyploid and fully fertile hybrid of probably three species, namely Hibiscus boryanus, Hibiscus fragilis and Hibiscus mabberleyi. The latter is an in 2023 new described species and was formerly included in Hibiscus denisonii. Hibiscus x denisonii is sometimes confused with Hibiscus storckii, which is a different species and which is actually not in cultivation. All plants sold as Hibiscus storckii are in fact Hibiscus cooperi. Hibiscus x denisonii is an evergreen species with glossy dark green, leathery leaves and ornamental, pale rose flowers with or without some more pinkish and bluish shade. If grown under glass petals tend to stay more whitish. Hibiscus x denisonii is one out of very few hybrids which will come true from seeds. This means that seed grown plants will be almost identical to the mother plant. Easily grown in any rich, well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year and reduced watering in winter at a minimum of 20°C. Seeds from all Hibiscus species in section Lilibiscus (e.g Hibiscus arnottianus, Hibiscus cooperi, Hibiscus denisonii, Hibiscus fragilis, Hibiscus genevii, etc. ) germinate unevenly over a period of several months. Keep pots in a warm spot and the soil slightlly moist until germination will occur. Only 8 packages are available. VI-X.
5 seeds per package.

U.S. customers only: seeds cannot be shipped to the U.S.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package0287 € 24,90
Penstemon uintahensis (Uinta Mountain Beardtongue)

Penstemon uintahensis (Uinta Mountain Beardtongue)

10 (15)cm, Uinta Mountain Beardtongue is an unusual and very rare dwarf species from the Uintah Mountains in Utah, USA. It makes a compact, basal rosette wth leathery leaves and rather large, sky-blue flowers. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. An excellent plant for the rock garden. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Uintah County, Utah, USA, at some 3.500m. VI-VIII.
40 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 7505 € 12,90
Puya raimondii (Queen of the Andes)

Puya raimondii (Queen of the Andes)

300 (450)cm ø, Queen of the Andes is native of Peru and adjacent areas and makes the tallest inflorescence of all plants, eventually reaching up to 8m in height. It is an extremely rarely seen plant in cultivation and makes a huge, short stemmed and unbranched leaf rosette before the impressive inflorescence is produced with several thousand pale yellow flowers after some 40 to 80 years (!) in habitat. However, cultivated plants will reach flowering size much earlier after some 20 to 35 years "only" under appropiate growing conditions. The entire plant will gradually die down after setting seed, and propagation is by seeds only. Keep slow growing plants slightly drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C and in full sun throughout the year. Seeds are rarely available and only few packages are in stock. Tested viability of our seed stock is above 80% under optimal sowing conditions.
10 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package8628 € 7,99
Sedum valens (Idaho Stonecrop)

Sedum valens (Idaho Stonecrop)

5cm, Idaho Stonecrop is an only in 2010 described new species from the Salmon River Canyon in Idaho, USA. It makes a single basal grayish-green, pubescent leaf rosette and a bright yellow flower head. For any rich, very well drained and preferably rocky soil in a sunny spot. An excellent plant for a protected spot in the rock garden. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Idaho County, Idaho, USA, at some 600m. V-VI.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 7507 € 14,90
Tapeinochilos palustris (Black Wax Ginger)

Tapeinochilos palustris (Black Wax Ginger)

200 (300)cm, Black Wax Ginger is a rarely cultivated, evergreen tropical species. It makes tall stalks with a dense terminal head of dark greyish-maroon to almost black bracts. The name Tapeinochilos palustris has been used in the garden trade since 1996, however the species has not been officially published yet as of 2024. Thus the name should better be referred to as Tapeinochilos palustris spp. nov. ined. For any humus rich, well drained substrate at a minimum of some 20°C and in winter with slightly reduced watering. Sowings require sufficient heat to germinate. The optimal temperature range is between 25°C and 30°C. Lower temperatures will significantly slow down the germination process or may even inhibit it. V-VIII.
10 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package9466 € 7,90