Macaronesian Giant Buglosses from the Canary islands, Madeira and Cabo Verde islands are either densely branching woody shrubs with numerous flowers heads or monocaulos with a huge basal leaf rosette and a single tall inflorescence (e.g. Echium simplex and Echium wildpretii). These are very different in habit from their Mediterranean annual or biannual relatives. They are excellent plants for cultivation in pots or small containers. Keep plants sunny throughout the year, especially in winter. They make impressive, very large inflorescences, sometimes containing several thousand flowers each. Grow well in any well drained, rather inorganic soil (e.g. crushed lava adding some humus). Sow seeds rather flat some 0.5cm deep in some 10cm ø plastic pots. Seeds do not need direct sun to germinate properly, however it is recommended to not cover seeds too much. Seeds usually cannot be extracted from their dried capsules without destroying them, thus the entire capsule shall be sowed. Each capsule may contain up to 4 small, nut-like seeds. All Echium species require a significant difference between day and night temperature. Keep pots in a cool spot with direct sun, so that during the day the soil heats up to some 20°C to 25°C. At night temperature should fall to some 5°C to 10°C. Germination may be inhibited in most species if pots are kept constantly warm (e. g. in a heated propagator). Keep plants frostfree in winter at a minimum of some 10°C in an always sunny spot. Under cool conditions reduce watering to a minimum, unless grown under heated glass. Usually most species will gain flowering size within 3 to 4 years. Note: Most Echium species make strong seed-capsules, which contain up to four seeds each. These capsules naturally will not shed their seeds until they fall on the earth. They cannot be separated beforehand without destroying the seeds. From these species 20 capsules (i.e. up to 80 seeds per package) will be delivered. Treat the entire capsule as a single seed. Prick out and separate seedlings as soon as they appear. For more cultivation information please have at look at this page: Sowing and cultivation of Macaronesian Echium species. 20 seeds per package. Note: Log in into your customer account to see all offers. Legal note: In accordance with national German laws (BNatSchG and BArtSchV) as well as European (Bern Convention) international conventions (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora - CITES) we do not sell any wild collected material such as seeds from protected plants. Seeds from protected plants exclusively derives from horticulturally artificially propagated plants in Germany respectively Lebanon only, where plants have been taken into cultivation in the late 70ies and early 80ies of the last century. All hybrid plants derived from these artificially propagated plants are not protected. |
Echium candicans (Pride of Madeira Bugloss)150 (200)cm, Pride of Madeira Bugloss (syn. Echium fastuosum) is a sub-erect, woody shrub with large, broadly lanceolate, smooth leaves and intensive blue flowers in a cylindrical inflorescence. It is still commonly offered under its old synom Echium fastuosum, however, Echium candicans is the correct name. It is native of lower parts of the open laurel forest on Madeira, where it has become rather rare in nature. One of the most beautiful Echium species for any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot and a winter minimum of some 12°C with reduced watering. V-VII |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package (20 seeds)1407 | € 4,99 | |||
Echium nervosum100 (150)cm, compact, low woody shrub with broad cylindrical to egg shaped inflorescences of pale blue to pale bluish-rose (rarely pure white) flowers above narrow, densely hairy, silver green leaves. Endemic of sunny rocky positions in the lower vegetation zone of Madeira. For a sunny spot in any well drained soil. Keep slightly drier in winter. V-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package (20 seeds)1459 | € 4,99* | |||
Echium plantagineum (Purple Viper's Bugloss)20 (120)cm, Purple Viper's Bugloss or Paterson's Curse is an annual to biannual species with a dense basal leaf rosette and a tall branching inflorescence with quite large, brilliant lilac blue flowers. Native of southern Europe, the Mediterranean and the Macaronesian region, where it coccurs in open spots in rock to sandy soils. For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. Sow directly into the ground after the last cold nights in late spring or alternatively pre-cultivate under frostfree conditions in early spring. IV-VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package4692 | € 2,99 | |||
Echium sabulicola (Sand Bugloss)30 (60)cm, Sand Bugloss is a creeping biannual to short lived perennial and native of rocky sites and sand dunes nearby the sea in the Mediterranean region. Echium sabulicola has showy, dark purplish-blue flowers on elongating, trailing stems with dark green leaves. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package4665 | € 4,99 | |||